Higher Self Embodied Branding Photo Magick

for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Change-Making Creatives and Heart-Based Leaders to Visually and Vibrationally Communicate your Mission, Elevate your Offerings and Refine your Brand Presence

Let's Make Photographs that Magnetize your Ideal Client, Amplify your Impact and Resonate as Art,

If you'd like to explore our boudoir experiences, you can peep our digital altar here,

They Say a Picture is worth 1,000 words

And it's true....

Consider the photograph above.

It was crafted with care, intention, light, breath and space to make art and connect to the body...and you can feel that when you take it in.

It tells a story because it was made from story.

Branding Photo Ceremonies are a cosmic dance of light, body, fabric and breath.

They feel and function like magical rituals because they are.

The space is prepared, the flowers are gathered, the candles are lit, the garments are curated, the sacred objects are brought and intentionally placed, the guides are present and the photograph exists as a talisman and manifestation magnet that lives on to serve and feed you, your brand, vision, offerings, legacy and community.


What are yours visually and vibrationally communicating about your Mission, Vision and Brand?

As a CEO, Artist, Entrepreneur and Embodiment Photo Witch I GET how essential high quality, high vibe and deeply authentic photographs that...

1, stop the seemingly never ending social scroll so that in a saturated digital landscape you and your offer shine

2. visually and vibrationally communicate your mission and vision so that you can magnetize in your ideal client, opportunities and community

3. and reflect your true self, Higher Self, authentic self so that your photographs not only elevate your existent content, offerings and overall Brand Energetic Signature buttttt they also quite literally *inspire* new content to get created (more on that in some testimonials further down)

Let the quality, artistry and authenticity of your photographs match the quality, artistry and authenticity of your impact, leadership and legacy.

From one leader, creator and lightworker to another, photographs where someone can actually *feel you* will capture, empower and inspire your ideal client to hang out and get to know you (and therefore your offerings) more.

That know, like, trust factor leads to community building, sovereign sales and increased aligned visibility in the market so that you can reach the people you are here to serve and co-create with as you simultaneously increase the channels of prosperity and possibility you can then receive from and we looooooove that for you.

Did I mention i'm also a business and branding coach and consultant ;)

When you book your branding photoshoot not only do you get access to the Award Winning Fine Art and Documentary Photographer side of Blood, Bone and Honey, you will also receive marketing, sales and business strategy, reflection and inspiration throughout our time together. I love to channel for my photo clients :)

All branding photo experiences include a zoom consult to set the tone and pave the way for your shoot. We'll pull some cards, get clear on your vision and harmonize on a date and time for your photoshoot.



Please note that all 2024 Branding Photo Magick will take place in upstate New York in the Finger Lakes Region unless mutually discussed and decided otherwise.

Location options for your photooshoot include access to forests, meadows, rolling hills, waterfalls and bodies of sacred water. In addition, we also have access to a few indoor locations for an additional small booking fee.

If you would like your hair and makeup done, we can connect you with our glamour magick team and you will book directly with them. We can discuss this on your consult.

If you'd like to add people to your Branding experience (team members, co-founders, etc) please email sarah@bloodboneandhoney.com to book a custom experience.

Below you'll find a Service Overview and Investment Options for your Branding Photo Magick

Branding Ritual

Cosmic, concise, channeled and to the sacred point. Photo spells that SPEAK!

  • 15 min zoom consult and a card pull to inspire your shoot
  • 1, 90 min photoshoot
  • 1 location
  • Up to 2 looks
  • 15 final selects from your online gallery


$333 spring special

You can invest in your Branding Ritual and select your preferred date and time for your consult on zoom with Sarah below. On your consult you will harmonize on a day and time for your Branding Ritual.

Branding Ceremony

Our most popular, beloved, branding experience.

  • 30 min zoom consult, mini card pull and glamour magick support
  • Access to the Blood, Bone & Honey Client Closet
  • 1, 3 hour photoshoot
  • Up to 2 locations
  • 3-4 looks
  • Unlimited selects from your online gallery


$555 spring special

You can invest in your Branding Ceremony and select your preferred date and time for your consult on zoom with Sarah below. On your consult you will harmonize on a day and time for your Branding Ceremony.

Branding Initiation

A full day of photo magick. This can be broken into a morning and afternoon shoot in the same day, or we can start with an afternoon shoot, then finish up that next morning. If you'd like to spread these shoots out over a moon cycle, you're welcome to do that as well. We can discuss your preference on your consult.

  • Power Hour Planning Session on zoom including a full Higher Self Reading to prepare you for your shoot
  • Access to the Blood, Bone & Honey Client Closet
  • 2, 3 hour photoshoots
  • Up to 4 locations
  • As many looks as we can capture you in! We'll plan this out on your consult
  • Unlimited selects from your online gallery


$777 spring special

You can invest in your Branding Initiation and select your preferred date and time for your consult on zoom with Sarah below. On your consult you will harmonize on a day(s) and time(s) for your Branding Initiation.

I get that being in front of the camera can be a vulnerable experience. My approach to photographing is informed by a decade of trauma informed training in the classical, somatic and healing arts with a focused devotion to documentary style image making that holds space for you to explore, express and be all of who you are.

Often my clients report back that the photographs we co-create end up inspiring their content and offerings for YEARS TO COME!

Here are a few examples of how Blood, Bone and Honey Photo Branding Clients are using their photographs:

And here's what clients are saying...

Harness the power of Art in your Branding

Let your photographs serve as powerful spells to elevate your visual content, magnetize and reach aligned clients and invite your community into a deeper, embodied, somatic, experience of your mission, story and offerings.

"Sarah is a sensual seductress of the most poetic, potent and powerful parts of you."

-Author, Actor, Artist, Mystic and Coach Alexandra Roxo

as seen on...

21 Kent Boulevard

5 Bed | 7 Bath | 4,690 SqFt